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I was just handed a 1955
Brooklyn Dodgers pennant. It says National league
Champions and has a list of the players and the manager. I was
wondering the value?
Brooklyn Dodger collectibles are at the high end of the baseball
memorabilia world in value. 1955 was the year "dem Bums" finally beat the
Yankees for their first World Series win ever, and Brooklyn Dodger
memorabilia from this year will sell at a higher price.
Scroll pennants, or roster pennants like the one you have are very desirable, just on notch below photo pennants. I have a 1955 World Series
pennant posted on the website that sells between $200. to $300.
"da Bum" also sells at a higher price. I would put your pennant in that price
range but can occasionally sell for more if in excellent to near mint
Common flaws with pennants are missing ties, pin holes, frying, creases,
and "crackling" on the printing. Sometimes people will trim down a pennant
to rid it of the frying or other flaws like a flat tip (point) Caused by
being pinned up and ripped off. all flaws will degrade the pennant.
You may view 1955 Brooklyn Dodger Pennants on the following page
of the Website: 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers World Series & NL Champs Pennants
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I have a 1952 Yankee
purple banner in excellent shape that measures 24" x 16" What is the worth of this?
rectangular shaped banners were sold at the Stadium during the 1952 World Series. They are more rare than the conventional Pennants sold, but were more common to the era. I came across a Brooklyn Dodger banner from the same year that sold for $850.
Although Pennants or banners of the winning team of the World Series typically sell at a higher price, in this case the Brooklyn Dodger banner could sell at a higher price or at least the same. Brooklyn Dodger memorabilia is probably the only team that can compete with the Yankees in value.
I would put the value of the Yankees banner at $400-$600. and could sell at the same price of $850. as the Brooklyn Dodger banner. Condition is everything on putting a value to an Item. Your banner seems to be in excellent condition identical to the banner that sold for $850. providing that the upper yellow seam that the stick is inserted into is in excellent shape too. Because Mantle is listed on the banner it will help bring a higher price at auction.
For more information visit the following page of this website: New York Yankees American League Champion 1952 Banner
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I have come across a Wincraft
1987 St. Louis Cardinals World Champion pennant. The Cardinals lost the 1987 world series to the Twins. Is this rare, and what might it be worth?
What you have would be refereed to as a "Phantom" Pennant. The more commonly found "Phantom" World Series tickets (tickets that were printed for games that were never played) sell more at a novelty price than a
collectible price. I have never come across a "Phantom" Pennant." There could be some interest in it.
Items like this from the 1980s to the present were produced in large numbers, and do not sell at a high price.
A 1987 Minnesota Twins World Series Pennant books for about $15. There was one listed on eBay last week for $4.99 that did not sell. The same week a 1965 Minnesota Twins World Series Pennant sold for $235.
Three St. Louis Cardinals 1982 World Series Pennants sold for - $15.00 - $8.58 - $7.50
To get a more accurate price, check eBay every now and then to see if one surfaces. Because it might be rare, you could get a little more for it. But more than $20. would have to be seen.
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