This is
a Yogi Berra Autograph Sample signed on a baseball, and Authenticated by Tri-Star
Productions. A
Yogi Berra single signed
baseball is worth about $75.- $150. A
Yogi Berra signed Photo is worth about $50.-$100. Larger and more desired photos could
sell for more.
is based on average prices of recently closed auctions.
Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of
authenticity that accompanies the signature. Signatures
that have not been properly authenticated could sell at
half the market value or less. Add for
will pay more for inscriptions such as "HOF"
and pay less for personalized inscriptions like
"Good Luck Chuck" Signatures authenticated by
Steiner sports, or MLB that use authentication holograms sell at the
Don't Forget to keep your
Autographs Away from a lot of Light, especially sunlight! Even reflected sunlight will take its toll.
The Ideal
conditions for display would be indirect lighting,
at a room temperature of 65 - 70 degrees, and 50%
humidity. Always check your signatures periodically for
signs of fading or deterioration, and avoid excessive
the Single
Signed Baseball Price Guide for values on
other players.
Yogi Berra Single Signed Baseball
