1939- 1946 Salutation baseball card set manufactured by
Exhibit Supply Company of Chicago consists of 83
baseball cards that measure 3
3/8" x 5 3/8" The cards feature a black
& white photo of the players with a brown, or
brown-red tint, with a
salutation like "Best wishes"' or "Sincerely
Yours" and a simulated autograph. 'MADE
IN USA' appears at the bottom. 'MADE
IN USA' is 9/16" on cards made in 1946. The back of the cards are
blank. The cards are not numbered, and have been
arranged in alphabetical order.
For the
FREE complete Printer friendly (2 pages)
1939- 1946
Exhibit Salutation
Baseball Card checklist CLICK
Card 40 Ken Keltner Sincerly UER
(Sincerly spelled wrong should be Sincerely)
Card 59 Buck Newson ERR (name Newson
spelled wrong should be Newsom)
- Error
- LL
- 'MADE IN USA' appears on the Lower Left side
- LR
- 'MADE IN USA' appears on the Lower Right

Card 81
Ted Williams (#9
to: 1931
-1948 Exhibit Checklist Home
Exhibit Supply Company Baseball Card Dating Chart
