- Cotton & Cummings
In 1873 Henry Blake cotton, formed a
partnership with Stephen H Cummings,
under the firm name of Cotton &
Cummings. In 1879, Mr. Cotton purchased
land in Hiram, Maine, and built a box
and heading factory. Mr. Cotton soon
became sole owner of the firm, and
manifested great enterprise, ability,
and built up a valuable and lucrative
business to which he was constantly
He soon built a a shovel handle factory, and also extensively manufactured
boxes, piano boxes, piano boards, and
piano frames. The enterprise which
included timber lands, and saw mills,
had its own private line of track
connecting his establishment with the
Maine Central railroad. Mr. Cummings
passed away in 1910. Mr. Cotton in
The baseball bats were most likely
produced sometime around 1900 and 1924.
One of two known example is a No. 5
Harry Lord model. Lord a native of
Maine, played in the Majors from
1907-1915. The other is a 31 inch,
model No. 34 which is stamped into the barrel.
The double, "Dash-Dot-Dash center brand
reads "Bats" with "Cotton & Cummings"
arched over it, and "Hiram, ME." below.
Cotton & Cummings Baseball Bat |
Cotton & Cummings No. 34
Baseball Bat Barrel Stamping |
Cotton & Cummings No. 5
Harry Lord Baseball Bat |