1910 "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" Postcard |

- Circa - 1910
- Publisher - Fairman Co.
- Size - 3.5" X 5.5"
- Value - .$15.00 - $30.00
Very Good - Excellent condition
A song written in 1908 by Jack
Norworth and Albert Von Tilzer, "Take
Me out to the Ball Game" became the
official anthem of baseball. It is the
third-most frequently heard song in
America, behind the national anthem and
Happy Birthday.
Copyrighted in 1910 by the Fairman Co. of NY, this 'Take Me Out To The
Ball Game' postcard illustrates a man
and a woman rushing to the game. All
dressed in early 1900s garb, other fans
are entering the "Base Ball Park" gate.
The drawing is typical to the style
used on other items of the period. The
back of the post card has a (DB)
Divided Back A postcard back with a
center line to divide the address from
the message. Divided backs first appear
in the U.S. in 1907. This helps to date
unused postcards. Cards before this
date, have undivided backs.
Postcard size can also help date a
postcard with the absence of a
postmark. If the card is old and larger
than 3.5 by 5.5 inches, it may date
from before 1898. Slightly smaller than
3.5 by 5.5 inches, it may date from
1898-1902. If the card measures 3.5 by
5.5 inches, it was probably made
between 1902-1970.
"Take Me Out To The
Ball Game" Postcard |
'Take Me Out To The Ball Game' Postcard Back |