TruSport was the in-store brand name of
merchandise sold by Edw. K Tryon of
Philadelphia. Established in the 1811,
the company sold a large variety of
Items, from firearms to Knives,
Bicycles, Skates, sports equipment,
Baseball bats and gloves.
Tyron Baseball gloves were produced in the early 1900s using the Tyron
Keystone and script logos. Sometime in
the 1930s the "TruSport" trademark logo
was introduced. It has been noted
that Denkert Sporting Goods produced
baseball gloves for Edw. K Tryon, under
the TruSport brand name. In 1962 Edw.
K. Tryon was acquired by Banner
Industries and their line of sporting
good products logo just reads Tryon.
Fielders Glove Signature Models include; Cy Young, SG 21 Al Simmons G5,
Pee Wee Reese G7, Curt Simmons G14,
Tony Piet G25, Billy Myers, Tex
Carleton G100, Earl Averill G200, John
Broaca G350, Edd J. Roush G250, Chet
Laabs G8, Red Ruffing G13, Glenn
Pete Chapman G500, Hal Lee G600, Bill
Nicholson G750, Pep Young, Frank Thomas
Base Mitts; Baxter Jordon G10, Sam Leslie B11, Vic Wertz B14, Geo. McQuinn
B16. Catchers Mitt; Andy Seminick C116,
Frank Grube, Frank House C-19, Clyde
Crouse C500, Sammy White C115, Hal
Smith, Rudy York, Del Crandall C15.
Fielders Glove Block Letter endorsements; Ferris Fain B20, Lonnie Frey
G21, Bill Johnson G14, Joe DiMaggio,
Flash Gordon, Catchers Mitts; Wes
Westrum, Mickey Cochrane LC2
EDW. K. Tryon TruSport
Baseball Gloves |
1919 Tyron Catalog Listing |
1939 Tyron Catalog Listing |