©1955 & 1963 Ohio Blue
Tip Matches "Ted
Williams" Picture Boxes |
Item Details |
- 1955 1963
- Ohio Match Co.
- ©1955 - 1.5 x 2.25
©1963 - 1.5" x 2"
- $10.00-$15.00
$5.00 - $10.00
(without matches) Excellent-Near Mint
Provided by:

The Ohio Match Company was founded in
1895 and was the second oldest match
manufacturer in the United States.
Although it was the original match, by
the 1950's the wooden match was forced
to take a back seat to the book
matches. Ohio installed color presses
to obtain prettier covers for it's book
matches, and began designing fancy
boxes to give wooden matches more
The popularity of the "Kitchen Match" was in decline. By eliminating the
old box design that made them look like
a box of explosives and by substituting
an overall attractively printed
illustration, the company took the
kitchen match out of the utility room
and into the middle of the cocktail
Attractive matchbook designs, without advertising were marketed. Picture
boxes featuring fancy box illustrations
such as; Harvest Time, Ranch Scene,
Country Kitchen, Spring time, Early
American Fireplace, Band Concert,
Country Store, and Winter Fun. Sporting
boxes included golf, football, tennis,
and baseball player illustrations. All
featured "© 1955 by The Ohio Match Co.,
Wadsworth, Ohio, Made in U.S.A." on the
striker side of the box.
Collectors dubbed the baseball player illustration "Ted Williams" because
of the likeness of Williams' Splendid
Splinter built and after swing. The
baseball player box was slightly redesigned for
the © 1963 Ohio Blue Tip fancy boxes,
which were also shorter in length.
Ohio Blue Tip Matches
"Ted Williams" Picture Box |
© 1955 By The Ohio Match Co.,
Wadsworth, Ohio Striker Panel |
© 1955 Ohio Blue Tip Box |
© 1963 Ohio Blue Tip Box |