Boys' Life was Published
monthly by the Boy Scouts of
America since 1911, until the name
was change to "Scout Life" in 2012.
There were 36 covers during
this time, with a baseball theme,
and countless advertisements.
Mickey Mantle was the first Major
League ballplayer to be featured on
the cover in 1959. Derek Jeter was
the last, in 2009. This month we
look at Boys' Life with baseball
themed covers, and advertisements.

The first baseball cover of Boys'
Life, August 1912, depicts an
illustration of a pair of barefoot
boys playing baseball. There are a
number of baseball themed stories
in this issue: Page 3. "Won by a
Sacrifice" - A vigorous tale of
baseball by Montanye Perry.
Page 7. "Play Clean Ball" by
Christy Mathewson. The famous pitcher
emphasizes honor in baseball,
finishes the article with a
facsimile autograph. Page 9. "The
Battle of Baseball" by Native
American professional baseball
pitcher Chief Bender, of the
World's Champion Athletics. A
stirring article on inside
Page 11. "Play Up! Play Up! Play
The Game" A rousing baseball poem,
adapted from Vitai Lampada, by Sir
Henry Newbolt.

April 1915 Boys' Life cover design by William
J. Shettsline, depicts an
illustration of a boy In a batting
stance. The cover story "How To
Make A Baseball Diamond" by Walter
Prichard Eaton. It basically gives
instructions on when to roll the
turf if you have an existing
diamond, and how to clear the soil
of stones.
A small segment on page 29, with an entry blank to the right for
a $1.00 years subscription to Boy's
Life. The subscriber gets to pick
one of five pieces of Reach
baseball equipment. A Reach Baseball; Catchers Mitt;
Fielders' Glove; Bat;
or a Reach Catcher's Mask.
All presidents from William Howard Taft to Joe Biden, served as Honorary
President of the Boy Scouts of
America. In this issue Woodrow
Wilson is listed as Honorary
President. Collin H. Livingston
President; Theodore Roosevelt and
Wm Howard Taft, Honorary Vice

The cover of the
May 1931 Boys' Life depicts an
illustration of a young catcher,
featuring the cover story "Double
Play!" by Harold M. Sherman. Part 1
of the story illustrated by Robert
A. Graef starts on page 5. Part 2
of the serial is featured in the
June 1931 issue, and concludes in
the July 1931 issue.
"The Demi-Semi Curve" a short story about pitcher George Colton, written
by Ralph Henry Barbour, illustrated
by Lowe Biedenmeister, starts on
page 10 & 11, and concludes on
pages 56, 57, and 58.
Advertisements include an A.J. Reach, Wright, & Ditson offer on page 41,
to get a free copy of "Playing
Pointers" featuring Jimmy Foxx; on
page 44, D&M offers a coupon for a
free copy of the D&M Catalog and
Rule Book with the purchase of a
D&M Official League baseball or an Earl Clark Fielding
Glove. The inside of the
back cover has a full page color ad
for Keds.

June 1943 issue of Boys' Life
Magazine Features a WWII cover
story "In A Bigger League" by Frank
Graham. A story about Major League
ballplayers like Navy gunner Bob
Feller, Navy Pilot Ted Williams,
and Joe DiMaggio drilling in Army
camp, heading to the battle front.
Famous author and sports columnist Frank Graham books include;
"Lou Gehrig: A Quiet Hero"
which was released as an
ASE - Armed Services Edition. These
soft cover pocket-size paperbacks were
issued to GI's from 1943-1947.
The story "tells of the players who have made Uncle Sam's team."
Black-and-white pictures show Joe
DiMaggio in action heading to first
base, and other players posing for
the camera; Ted Williams, Bob
Feller, Eddie Collins, Pee Wee
Reese, and Hugh Mulcahy, the very
first major leaguer to be drafted
into United States military service
before the U.S. entered WW II.

August 1959 issue of Boys' Life
Magazine features Mickey Mantle on
the cover. The first Major League
Ballplayer to be featured.
"There are few vocations in which a fellow can strong arm his way to
success. But Mickey Charles Mantle,
with two strong arms and fleet-if
not so healthy-legs, has slugged
and raced his way to the heights of
his profession. Still youthful, but
a veteran experienced enough to
know humility, Mickey's story is
told in this issue." Color
photographer Ozzie Sweet caught
Mantle in action for the cover, and
story on page 26.

The cover of the
April 1963 issue of Boys' Life
Magazine features a smiling Yogi
Berra. Philippe Halsman,
America's greatest portrait
photographer, took the picture.
Halsman's subjects of the past
included; Albert Einstein, Herbert
Hoover, John Kennedy Barry
Goldwater and many more.
The featured article "Yogi" was written by Arthur Daley, Pulitzer
prize-winning sports columnist of
the New York Times. A full page
facsimile signed picture of yogi
Berra inscribed "My Best to Boys'
Life readers." precedes the start
of the article on page 23.
Noted Baseball related advertisements includes: Mickey Mantle endorsing
the National Youth Sales Club in
page 33. Al Kaline endorsing the
New A2000 Wilson baseball glove on
page 35. Brooks Robinson Rawlings
Trap-eze Ad on Page 55. Louisville
Slugger ad for a Pen & Pencil set,
16" miniature bat, and Famous
Sluggers Yearbook (Tommy Davis,
Pete Runnels, Harmon Killebrew,
Hank Aaron) on page 77.

The cover of the
April 1965 Boys' Life features
artwork by Society of
Illustrators' Hall of Fame artist
Austin Briggs. He created
illustrations for books and
magazines such as Reader's Digest
and The Saturday Evening Post.
The cover story on page 19, "Opening Day," by Ex-Major League pitcher
James Brosnan, was also
illustrated by Briggs. Brosnan, a
talented author, was a major league
star that pitched for the Cubs, white
Sox, Indians, and the pennant winning
Reds in 1961.
Magazine advertisements include:
Spalding Presents "The Record Breakers"
LP Record Album Narrated by Phil
Rizzuto, on the back of the cover;
A full page ad for the Wilson A2000
baseball glove featuring Chicago
Cubs third baseman Ron Santo; A
Rawlings half page ad for the Ken
Boyer, and Brooks Robinson MVP
gloves; Louisville Slugger ad for a
Pen & Pencil set, 16" miniature
bat, and Famous Sluggers Yearbook
(Roberto Clemente, Tony Oliva,
Billy Williams, Harmon Killebrew).

The cover of the
March 1966 Boys' Life features
Willie Mays, Baseball's
Greatest Outfielder. Cover story
"How I play The Outfield" by Willie
Mays, with Charles Einstein. The
four page article starting on page
18, features N.Y. Daily News photos
of "The Catch," a play made by New
York Giants center fielder Willie
Mays on September 29, 1954, during
Game 1 of the 1954 World Series at
the Polo Grounds.
Magazine advertisements include: Mickey Mantle National Youth Sales Club.
Receive a free autographed picture
of Mickey Mantle and an official
membership badge, when you sell 12
boxes of all occasion greeting
cards; Wilson A2000 baseball glove
with Ron Santo; Rawlings Basket
Web; Louisville Slugger ad for a
Pen & Pencil set, 16" miniature
bat, and Famous Sluggers Yearbook
(Roberto Clemente, Tony Oliva,
Billy Williams, Tony Conigliaro).

The cover of the
March 1968 Boys' Life features
Roberto Clemente in action.
Photo by Bill Binzen. Cover story:
Roberto Clemente - Baseball's
Brightest Superstar by Arnold Hano.
"The Pirates big man combined
brains, ability, and bursting pride
to become baseball's best."
Baseball related advertisements include: Rawlings Spring Training Special.
Free book "The Education Of A
Baseball Player" by Mickey Mantle
when you buy the new Mickey Mantle
Fastback Special Suggested retail
price - $16.95. The hardcover Book
sells for $4.95;
Wilson A2000 baseball glove
featuring Ron Santo; Win a trip to
the 1968 World Series Guests of
Adirondack Bats; Louisville Slugger
ad for a Pen & Pencil set, 16"
miniature bat, and Famous Sluggers
Yearbook (
Yastrzemski, Roberto Clemente,
Harmon Killebrew, Orlando Cepeda,
Henry Aaron).

The cover of the
March 1969 Boys' Life features Ron
Santo: Baseball's Best Third
Baseman. The Chicago Cubs' Ron
Santo is profiled by former
major-league pitcher Jim Brosnan
with the cover story "Hot Hand at
the Hot Corner." Brosnan, a
talented author, was a major league
star that pitched for the Cubs,
white Sox, Indians, and the pennant
winning Reds in 1961.
Baseball's best all-around third baseman has realized all of his dreams
but two-to play in the World Series
and be named to the Hall of Fame.
And he's working hard on both!
Magazine advertisements include: Rawlings baseball gloves, featuring the
evolution of baseball gloves from
1877 to 1960, and the 1968
Fastback, a new concept with the
basket-web, latest in web design;
Adirondack Big Stick baseball bats
featuring Ron Santo; Louisville
Slugger ad for a Pen & Pencil set,
16" miniature bat, and Famous
Sluggers Yearbook.

June 1969 issue of Boys' Life
Magazine pictures Mickey Mantle and his
son walking on the beach as the cover
photo. The featured article "My Father
and I" by Mickey Mantle Jr., as told to
Louis Sabin, on pages 28 through 31.
Mantle Junior tells What it's like to
be the son of a baseball great. Page 28
has an "M&M Boys" type photo,
reminiscent of Mantle & Maris in a back-to-back batting stance. There's also a
nice picture of the post retirement M&M
boys on the following page.
Pages 30 and 31, the article turns
into a J Peterman catalog. Kind of
a Fathers day promotion, "The Mod
Mantles" with father & son modeling
"cool clothes." Also discussed;
pocket secretary, belts, cologne,
and pipes if dad smokes. No ties?
Noted Baseball related advertisements includes: The exclusive Campbell
Kid's offer which illustrates the
twelve MLB premiums; "Win a Regent
Baseball Glove" ad; A three month
subscription to The Sporting News
when you buy a Macgregor baseball
glove; and the standard Louisville
Slugger ad.

The cover of the
July 1971 Boys' Life features
Johnny Bench fielding a pop-up.
Photo by Fred Kaplan-Black Star.
The four page article: "What
Baseball Means To Me" by Johnny
Bench as told to Louis Sabin,
starts on page 8. "The Reds' great
catcher reveals his feelings about
baseball, and his life."
Baseball related advertisements include: A Free Sample of the 1971
Baseball SRAT-O-MATIC baseball
game; ATO Adirondack baseball bat
ad offering a 12" x 18" Norman
Rockwell print of Brooks Robinson
for $1.00 or a 25" x 38" poster for
The back cover Coca-Cola ad, "One of America's National Pastimes -
Drinking Coke - Salutes another -

The cover of the
September 1971 Boys' Life features
Brooks Robinson. The cover
story: "How I Play Third Base" by
Brooks Robinson as told to Jack
Mann, photos by Jack Mann-Star.
"Mr. Golden Glove" of Baltimore's
Champions tells how he got to be a
Baseball related advertisements include: Smith-Corona electric portable
typewriters; ATO Adirondack
baseball bat ad offering a 12" x
18" Norman Rockwell print of Brooks
Robinson for $1.00 or a 25" x 38"
poster for $2.00.

March 1972 Boys' Life features
cover photo of Henry Aaron by
Sports Illustrated photographer
Tony Triolo. The feature article: "Bad
Man With A Bat" was written by Jack
Mann. "Atlanta's one-man
record book continues to add glory
to his all-time fame as he goes
after Ruth's 'unreachable' 714 home
Baseball related advertisements are
scarce in this issue. The standard
Louisville Slugger ad for a Pen &
Pencil set, 16" miniature bat, and
Famous Sluggers Yearbook, with 1971
A.L. Batting Champion Tony
Oliva, 1971 N.L. Home Run King
Willie Stargell, and
1971 A.L. Home Run King Bill Melton. Joe Torre, the 1971 N.L. batting
Champ was left out as he used
Adirondack baseball bats. In the
Gifts and Gimmicks section, The
Card Collectors' Co. offers 1972
Topps baseball cards - $14.95 for a
complete set - 5˘ for most singles,
and single series $2.75.

April 1982 Boys' Life features
a cover illustration by comic book
artist Ernie Colón. Twelve players
are depicted: Carl Yastrzemski,
Reggie Jackson, Jim Rice, Bill
Madlock, George Foster, Rod Carew,
Pete Rose, Steve Garvey, Dave
Parker, Mike Schmidt, Cecil Cooper,
and centered by George Brett.
The feature article: "Best Batters In The Big Leagues" was written by
former major league pitcher Jim Brosnan. "Hitting a baseball
is the most difficult feat in
professional sports. Here are a
dozen men who make it look easy."
Baseball related advertisements
includes: Gatorade - "After five
innings, your not the same player
who started the game." - Louisville
Slugger baseball gloves picturing
Steve Garvey and Graig Nettles with
their facsimile autographs. - Big
League Chew (
company started by
former Yankee pitcher Jim Bouton)
$100,000. Grand Slam Sweepstakes.

June 1985 issue of Boys' Life
features Pete Rose cover
illustration by Donald Moss, a
commercial illustrator who captured
the action, spectacle and
personalities of sports for
posters, postage stamps and covers
of Sports Illustrated.
The feature
article: "Head First Toward the
Hall of Fame" was written by Jim Brosnan. "After age 40, baseball
players are supposed to slow down,
but not Pete Rose. He's still
running at top speed after
Jim Brosnan, author of "The Only Place to Play" and "No. 1 in the National
League," Jim's a former pitcher for
the Chicago Cubs, Chicago White
Sox, St. Louis Cards, and the
Pennant winning Cincinnati Reds of
1961. After he retired he wrote
baseball columns for the Chicago
News, Sportscasts in Chicago, and
two Brosnan books. He regularly
wrote sports articles, most about
baseball for Boys' Life.

April 1991 issue of Boys' Life features
"Nolan Ryan of the Texas Rangers:
5,000 Strikeouts and Counting!"
Standout Texas pitcher Nolan Ryan
poses for Boys' Life photographer
Brian Payne at Arlington Stadium.
The feature article: "Strikeout
King" on page 18, was written by
Sam Blair. This former Boy Scout is
headed to the Hall of Fame on the
"family plan"
Baseball Related advertising includes: 1991 Upper Deck Baseball Cards with
Nolan Ryan autograph inserts; 1991
Donruss baseball cards, Rated
Rookies, Diamond Kings, MVPs, & 3
more limited edition series.

April 1992 Boys' Life
cover features Seattle's Ken Griffey
Jr., photograph taken by Lonnie
Major. His work appeared in
numerous publications, including
Sports Illustrated; ESPN Magazine;
Topps Inc. Sports Trading Cards and
Magazine; and The New York Times.
The feature article: Ken Griffey
Jr.: "A chip Off The Old Block" was written by
Sam Blair. "Ken and his Dad
made baseball history playing for
the same Major-league team" There
are no baseball related ads in this
issue, but Junior is again featured
on the cover of the July 1996 Boy's
Life issue.
"Ken Griffey Jr.: How Do You Hit a Home Run?" Feature article Batter Up! -
Pssst.... Ken Griffey Jr. passes
along his secrets to hitting home
runs. This issue has a 1996 Fleer
E-XL Motion Baseball Cards ad.

April 1993 Boys' Life
cover features Kirby Puckett,
photograph taken by
Focus On Sports. A picture from the
same photo-shoot was used for the
1993 Topps Kirby Puckett baseball
card #200. The feature article: "Baseball's
Mighty Puck" was written by
Robert E. Hood. "His fans
believe that Kirby Puckett is in a
league of his own."
Baseball related advertisements
includes: A two page ad for an
exclusive offer from Fleer. Receive
three more To Glavine baseball
cards to complete the subset by
sending in 10 Fleer '93 baseball
"No One Get's Closer To The Game" -
1993 Donruss baseball cards; The
back cover has an ad for Home Run
Derby electronic baseball game.

April 2009 Boys' Life cover
features Derek Jeter, for the cover
story "Play Ball!: Derek Jeter
Say's You Better Do It Right." The
feature article: Play Ball!" by
Eric Butterman, with additional
reporting by Harold Goldman, and
Jack Magruder. "Baseball's best
tell you the right ways to prepare
and play. Here's a hint: The right
ways do not include steroids"
Boy's Life' spoke with some of baseball's best, who offer tips on how to
play the healthy way. Each player
interviewed in this article is
accompanied with a picture of their
2008 Topps Heritage baseball card.
New York Yankees Derek Jeter; Arizona Diamondbacks Brandon Webb; Detroit
Tigers Dontrelle Willis; New York
Yankees Hall of Famer Yogi Berra;
and New York Mets Johan Santana.