1939 Baseball
Centennial American
League Scorecard |
Item Details |
- Harry M. Stevens
6.5" x 10"
PRICE GUIDE- $40.00-$60.00
Very Good -
Excellent Condition
Value could vary
based on teams, and
series. Scorecards
that are scored may
carry a premium,
depending on
Provided by:

The National Centennial Commission
held a contest to design an emblem for
the 100th anniversary of baseball in
the summer of 1938. Unveiled in
December, at the annual meeting of the
National Association of Professional
Baseball Leagues, the winning design
was awarded to New York artist Majori
In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of organized baseball the
official insignia of baseball’s
centennial had been adopted for flags
which to be flown from all of the
parks. The red, white and blue patch
had four red stripes, symbolic of four
balls, three white stripes,
representing three strikes. A blue
diamond was superimposed on the
stripes, with a white baseball and a
batter completing a swing in the
diamond center. The design was used on
uniform patches worn by the players
during the year, souvenirs, stationary,
publications, and advertising.
The official 1939 National and American League, .5˘ Scorecards, published
by Harry M. Stevens, featured the
baseball centennial insignia in the
upper-left corner. This American League
Baseball club of the New York scorecard
was produced for the Yankees vs White
Sox series played June 20-22, 1939.
Almost two months earlier, on April
30th, Lou Gehrig removed himself from
the lineup, ending his consecutive
games played streak at 2,130.
Gehrig's name appears at the top of the scorecard with the bench players.
First baseman, Babe Dahlgen is printed
with the starting lineup along players
such as Gordon, DiMaggio, Dickey,
Gomez, and Ruffing. White sox roster
includes Hall Of Famer Luke Appling.
The first page of this Yankee scorecard
features an ad for Jacob Ruppert Beer
and Ale. Jacob Ruppert owned the new
York Yankees from 1915 until his death
in 1939. After Rupert past away in
1939, his heirs sold the Yankees to Dan
Topping, Del Webb and Larry MacPhail in
1939 Baseball
Centennial American League
Official Scorecard |
Scorecard |
Back Cover |