"Casey At The Bat" Poem
Folder |
Item Details |
- National Baseball
Hall Of Fame and
- bifold leaflet
4.5” x 6” (closed)
6" x 9" (open)
PRICE GUIDE- $15.00-$20.00
Very Good -
Excellent Condition
Provided by:

In 2013, the National Baseball Hall of
Fame and Museum celebrated Ernest
Lawrence Thayer's classic poem, "Casey
at the Bat." The poem, anchored in
baseball lore, was published 125 years
earlier in The San Francisco Examiner.
Tim Wiles, the museums director of
research at the time, for more than 15
years had donned a Mudville uniform and
recited Casey at the Bat. Since his
public debut at the New York State fair
in 1997, he had recited the poem on the
museums behalf, an estimated 2,000
times in 22 states. Venues ranging from
schools, minor league baseball games
and the All-Star Game FanFests.
Wiles first dressed up as Casey, on July 11, 1996, when the
U.S. Postal Service issued a
commemorative stamp depicting Casey.
the time, then Cooperstown Post Office
Employee “Stretch” Redding used to
dress up as people portrayed on
commemorative stamps. Redding was
unable to dress up as Casey for the
stamp’s issuance ceremony, so then
Cooperstown Postmaster Connie Tedesco
called up the Hall of Fame to see if
they had anyone who would be willing to
do it. Soon
Wiles was regularly dressing up as
Casey for Hall of Fame events,
including a performance in 2013.
"The National Baseball Hall Of Fame And Museum Presents, Casey At The
Bat" poem folders were handed out to
the audience attending Wiles
performances to follow along. Inside
the bifold handout are the words to the
poem. The back reads:
"Casey at the Bat, Written by Ernst L. Theyer and origuinally
published in the San Francisco Examiner
in the early spring of 1888, "Casy at
the Bat" made no instant hit. A few
weeks later, however, and on the
evening of May 13, in that year, young
DeWolf Hopper recited it in Wallack's
Theater in Mew York, where he was
playing in "Prince Methusalem," and
where a special Baseball Night had been
arranged in honor of the Giants and Pop
Anson's visiting White Sox. The effect
was terrific. The mighty Casey leaped
at once to immortal fame, and DeWolf
Hopper was for the best part of fifty
years called upon to recite the piece
as an entra'acte wherever he appeared."
The back of an older poem
leaflet reads on the back: "Additional
copies of this folder may be obtained
at five cents each from the National
Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum,
Cooperstown N.Y."
"Casey At
The Bat" Poem Folder |
National Baseball Hall of Fame
And Museum 2013, Casey At The
Bat 125 Year Anniversary
Dreams Park, Cooperstown, NY,
Ticket |
Inside Leaflet Words to Ernest
Thayer's Poem "Casey at the
Bat" |
Back Of Leaflet (above) |
Casey at the Bat Leaflet |
Back Of Leaflet |