MLB Campbell Kids Hall
Of Fame Autograph Book |
Item Details |
- National Blank
Book Company
- MLB Promotions -
Campbell Soup Co.
- Autograph Book
- 5" x
(130 Pages)
PRICE GUIDE- $75.00-$150.00
(clean pages and
HOF player
autograph page
- Near Mint condition
Because of rarity
value is estimated
on a limited sales
Commemorating the 100th anniversary of
professional baseball, Major League
Baseball introduced the MLB logo in
1969. The logo was to be placed on all
officially licensed products,
thereafter. Campbell's soup in
conjunction with Major League baseball
helped promote the new logo with a
Campbell's Kids Premium promotion. In
the exclusive Campbell premium offer,
twelve MLB collectibles were made
available for cash and 4 different
labels from Campbell's "Baseball Nine"
soups, that feature the Major League
emblem on the label.
The "Baseball Nine" soups included;
Chicken Noodle, Chicken with Rice,
Chicken & Stars, Vegetable, Vegetarian
Vegetable, Chicken Vegetable, Turkey
Vegetable, Turkey Noodle, and Beef
Noodle. The twelve collectibles
Sluggers Ring -.50¢,
Major League Baseball Belt - $1.25,
Sunglasses - $2.50, Tankard - $6.95,
Training Shirts - $2.25, Batting Glove
- $1.00, Power Meter - $1.00,
Bank -
$2.75, HOF Autograph Book - $1.25,
Watch - $6.95,
Locker Bag - $3.75, and the
Ladies' Day Charm Bracelet - 50¢.
The front of the autograph book features the MLB emblem, and below in red
ink reads; "1968© Major League Baseball
Promotion Corp" The first page is a
standard "This Autograph Book Belongs
To" form, followed by information lines
and a National Blank Book Company
manufacturer credit line at the bottom.
The third page, "Starter Autographs" features
twelve facsimile
autographs which
includes: Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Ty Cobb,
Rogers Hornsby, Walter Johnson, Cy
Young, Mel Ott and more.
As advertised in Campbell Kids Baseball Premium Catalog;
"We've started your collection of
baseball greats with names like Babe
Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Ty Cobb. Now You're
on your own. Lots of pages left for
signatures of your favorite players.
The sturdy vinyl cover has Major League
Emblem. 130 pages. All it takes is 4
different labels from Campbell's
"Baseball Nine" Soups and $1.25. Or, 2
different labels and $1.25 plus a
ticket stub from any major league
baseball game."
Campbell Kids MLB Hall
Of Fame Autograph Book |
Campbell Kids
Baseball Catalog |
June 1969 Boys Life
magazine advertisement |
Campbell Kids Premium
Catalog Order Blank |