New York Yankees |
Home Game
Schedule Index |
NY Yankees Grandstand &
Bleachers ticket stub Collecting |
1923 - 1929
Stadium Admission
Rain Check
Ticket Stub Dating Guide |
1923 Yankees
Stadium Admission
ticket Stub |
In 1923 the Yankees moved into the
newly built Yankee Stadium The 1923
Yankees, Stadium Admission tickets
basically had the same design as the
tickets printed in 1922 when they
played at the Polo Grounds.
From 1923 through 1925 tickets had the
game No.'s circled until the beginning
of the 1926 season, when the
circle was removed. The Circle game No.
was then used for the later part of the
1926 season. It is not clear at this
time exactly when the circle Game No.
was brought back or why. The
"Important Notice" (liability
disclaimer) was added to the back of
the tickets in 1925. The
1928 tickets, games 1-30 have the
Series letter "F" and games 32-77 have
no series letter.
On May 7, 1928 exemption of admission
tax for tickets up to $1.00 was
Starting on May 29, the tax revenue act
of 1928 went into effect and teams no
longer charged tax on tickets of $1.00
or less. Yankee tickets
printed on, or after May 31, games
32-77, the Tax line was removed. The
total price for a Stadium Admission
ticket from May 31, 1928 through 1932
was $1.00 The word "Admission" is added
below the word "Stadium" in 1928, when
the tax is removed and would remain
this way until 1933 when it was removed
in favor of the tax line.
From 1923-1929 the printing company
credit line "M.B. Brown C0., N.Y"
appears on the bottom front, below the
signature of Yankees team president,
Jacob Ruppert..
New York Yankees Grandstand Dating
Guide Home |
1923 -1929 Stadium
Admission Ticket Stubs |
The Samples
below picture the New York Yankees
Stadium Admission tickets from 1923 to 1929.
Samples will be added to
the page as they become available. For
information on these stubs refer to the Confirmation
Chart (compilation of information) located on the
dating Guide home.
1923 |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
$1.00 |
Tax Paid |
.10 |
Total Price |
$1.10 |
Printing Company:
M.B. Brown C0., N.Y. |
Game numbers on the 1923
tickets feature a circle
around it. The Signature of the Yankees
team President,
Jacob Ruppert is featured on the front, bottom above the
Printing company credit
line "M.B. Brown C0.,
N.Y." just above the stub
Perforation line. On the
back is a Canada Dry Ad |
1923 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1924 (Series Letter
A) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
$1.00 |
Tax Paid |
.10 |
Total Price |
$1.10 |
Printing Company:
M.B. Brown C0., N.Y. |
The Game numbers on the
1924 tickets feature a
circle around it. The
series letter "A" dates
these tickets to 1924. The
Signature of the Yankees
team President, Jacob Ruppert is featured on
the front, bottom above
the Printing company
credit line "M.B. Brown
C0., N.Y." just above the
stub Perforation line.
The back of
these tickets are blank. |
1924 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1925 (Series
B) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
$1.00 |
Tax Paid |
.10 |
Total Price |
$1.10 |
Printing Company:
M.B. Brown C0., N.Y. |
The Game numbers on the 1925
tickets feature a circle around
it. The series letter "B" above
the serial number dates these
tickets to 1925. The Signature of
the Yankees team President, Jacob
Ruppert is featured on the front,
bottom above the Printing company
credit line "M.B. Brown C0.,
N.Y." just above the stub
Perforation line. The back is
blank |
1925 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1926 (Series
C) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
$1.00 |
Tax Paid |
.10 |
Total Price |
$1.10 |
Printing Company:
M.B. Brown C0., N.Y. |
The series letter "C"
above the serial number
dates these tickets to
1926. The Circle around
the game number that
appeared on previous
years is removed. The
Signature of the Yankees
team President, Jacob Ruppert
is featured on the front,
bottom above the Printing
company credit line "M.B.
Brown C0., N.Y." just
above the stub
Perforation line. The
"Important Notice"
liability disclaimer is
added to the back. |
1926 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1926 (Series
C) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
$1.00 |
Tax Paid |
.10 |
Total Price |
$1.10 |
Printing Company:
M.B. Brown C0., N.Y. |
Some time in the later
part of the 1926 season
the circled Game No. was
used. It is unclear at
this time exactly when or
why this was done but the series letter "C"
above the serial number
dates these tickets to
1926. The
Signature of the Yankees
team President, Jacob Ruppert is featured on
the front, bottom above
the Printing company
credit line "M.B. Brown
C0., N.Y." just above the
stub Perforation line.
The back features the "Important
Notice" liability
disclaimer. |
1926 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1927 (Series
E) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
$1.00 |
Tax Paid |
.10 |
Total Price |
$1.10 |
Printing Company:
M.B. Brown C0., N.Y. |
Letter "E" above the
serial number dates these
tickets to 1927. The rest
of the ticket remains the
same as the year before.
Signature of the Yankees
team President,
Jacob Ruppert is featured on the front, bottom above the
Printing company credit
line "M.B. Brown C0.,
N.Y." just above the stub
Perforation line. The
"Important Notice"
liability disclaimer is
featured on the back. |
1927 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1928 (Series F) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
$1.00 Games 1-30 |
Tax Paid |
.10 (no Tax after game
30) |
Total Price |
$1.10 Games 1-30
$1.00 Games 32-77 |
Printing Company:
M.B. Brown C0., N.Y. |
The Letter "F" above the
serial number dates these
tickets to 1928, Games
1-30. On May 29, 1928 a
new Tax Law went into
effect and the 10% tax
was no Longer added to
the tickets. The series
letter "F" was also left
off on games 32-77. The
Signature of the Yankees
team President, Jacob
Ruppert is featured on
the front, bottom above
the Printing company
credit line "M.B. Brown
C0., N.Y." just above the
stub Perforation line.
Legal info on front (as
does 1923-1927) notes: .."Sec.
800d, Revenue act of 1921
and Art. 10-B".... |
1928 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1928 (No
Series Letter) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
$1.00 Games 1-30 |
Tax Paid |
Tax after game 30 |
Total Price |
$1.10 Games 1-30
$1.00 Games 32-77 |
Printing Company:
M.B. Brown C0., N.Y. |
The absence of the the
serial Letter, and no taxes
dates these tickets to
1928, Games 32-77. On May
29, 1928 a new Tax Law
went into effect and the
10% tax was no Longer
added to the tickets. The
Word "Admission" is added
below "Stadium" The
Signature of the Yankees
team President, Jacob Ruppert is featured on
the front, bottom above
the Printing company
credit line "M.B. Brown
C0., N.Y." just above the
stub Perforation line.
Legal info on front
differs from the earlier
1928 stubs & notes:
.."Sec. 500a, Revenue act
of 1926 as amended by the
Revenue act of 1928 and
Art. 10-B".... |
1928 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1929 (Series
H) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
$1.00 |
Tax Paid |
0 |
Total Price |
$1.00 |
Printing Company:
M.B. Brown C0., N.Y. |
The Letter "H" above the
serial number and no tax
line dates these tickets
to 1929. On May 29, 1928
a new Tax Law went into
effect and the 10% tax
was no Longer added to
the tickets. The
Signature of the Yankees
team President, Jacob
Ruppert is featured on
the front, bottom above
the Printing company
credit line "M.B. Brown
C0., N.Y." just above the
stub Perforation line.
The "Important Notice"
liability disclaimer is
featured on the back.
Legal info on front is
the same as the later 1928
stubs & notes:
.."Sec. 500a, Revenue act
of 1926 as amended by the
Revenue act of 1928 and
Art. 10-B".... |
1929 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |