1950 -1959 Bleacher
Admission Ticket Stubs |
Starting in 1952 the term "Fed Tax"
replaces "Tax Paid" in the Sales Tax
Line. This is used until 1955 when the
Sales Tax Line reads "Fed Tax City Tax".
The first year City Tax was listed. The Samples
below picture the New York Yankees
Bleacher tickets from 1950 to 1959.
Samples for 1959 will be added to the
page when it become available. For
information on these stubs refer to the Confirmation
Chart (compilation of information) located on the
Bleacher Ticket Stub
dating Guide home.
1950 (series
C) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
.50 |
Tax Paid |
.10 |
Total Price |
.60 |
Printing Company:
The Brown Ticket Corp. |
Exactly the same as the
previous two years the
only difference between
the 1948, 1949 and 1950
ticket stubs would be the
Series Letter (C
attributed to 1950). As
with the 1948, and 1949
stubs the 1950 stub
features the team
president's signature,
Daniel R. Topping below
the stubs perforation.
The printing company
credit line "The Brown
Ticket Corp." is listed
above "New York City." on
the back of the ticket
stub at the bottom well
above the Perforation.
The New York Union label
(2) is just to the right
of the credit line. |
1950 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1951 (Series
D) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
.50 |
Tax Paid |
.10 |
Total Price |
.60 |
Printing Company:
Ansell-Simplex Ticket Co. |
The 1951
stub features changes in
ticket design The pricing
information dominates the
Yankees Logo watermark.
The word "Admission" is
added below "Grandstand".
On the back "Terms and
Conditions" Replaces "
Important Notice" and
"New York Yankees INC."
is added below the text
separated by a line. The
printing company credit
TICKET CO." is listed
above "CHICAGO ILL." and
replaces "The Brown
Ticket Corp." at the
bottom with the Chicago
Union label (82) to the
right. Ticket Stock Blue |
1951 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide
1952 (Series
A) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
.50 |
FED. Tax |
.10 |
Total Price |
.60 |
Printing Company:
Ansell-Simplex Ticket Co. |
The 1952 ticket stub is
reduced in length, and
features a major change
in ticket design. At the
top "INC." is now below
"New York Yankees" and
above "Yankees Stadium"
The old Rain Check logo
is removed, and replaced
by a black rectangle
highlighting "Rain Check"
in Block lettering
separated by a space
below the..... |
.....Game No. and above the words
"Bleacher Admission" which is
on one line The Tax line
now reads "Fed Tax" as opposed
to "Tax Paid" The printing
company credit line
listed above "CHICAGO ILL." on
the back of the ticket stub at
the bottom. The Chicago Union
label (82) is just to the right
of the credit line. Ticket
Stock Red
1952 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1953 (Series
B) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
.50 |
FED. Tax |
.04 |
Total Price |
.60 |
Printing Company:
Ansell-Simplex Ticket Co. |
In 1953 all information
remains the same as the
year before but the
Series letter "B". The
printing company credit
TICKET CO." is listed
above "CHICAGO ILL." on
the back of the ticket
stub at the bottom. The
Chicago Union label (82)
is just to the right of
the credit line Ticket
Stock - Blue |
1953 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1954 (Series
A) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
.65 |
FED. Tax |
.10 (games 1-20) |
Total Price |
.75 |
Printing Company:
Ansell-Simplex Ticket Co. |
In 1954 the The word
"INC." that appeared
the past 4 years is
removed. The Fed Tax is
lowered from .21 for
games 1-20, to .11 cents
for games 21-77. Ticket
1-20 have the adjustment
stamped on the back. The
printing company credit
TICKET CO." is listed
just above |
"CHICAGO ILL." on the back of the ticket
stub at the bottom. The Chicago Union
label (82) is just to the right of the
credit line. Printed on Blue stock.
1954 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1954 (Series
A) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
.68 |
FED. Tax |
.07 (games 21-77) |
Total Price |
.75 |
Printing Company:
Ansell-Simplex Ticket Co. |
In 1954 the The word
"INC." that appeared
the past 4 years is
removed. The Fed Tax is
lowered from .21 for
games 1-20, to .11 cents
for games 21-77. Ticket
1-20 have the adjustment
stamped on the back. The
printing company credit
TICKET CO." is listed
just above |
"CHICAGO ILL." on the back of the ticket
stub at the bottom. The Chicago Union
label (82) is just to the right of the
credit line. Printed on Blue stock.
1954 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1955 (Series
A) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
.65 |
Fed Tax .07 City Tax .03 |
.10 |
Total Price |
.75 |
Printing Company:
Ansell-Simplex Ticket Co. |
In 1955 the Fed Tax
remains at .11 cents, but
a City Tax is added and
the Est. Price is
adjusted down to $1.13
raising the total price
to $130. The printing
company credit line
CO." is listed above
"CHICAGO ILL." on the
back of the ticket stub
at the bottom. The
Chicago Union label (82)
is just to the right of
the credit line. Ticket
Stock Red |
1955 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1956 (Series
A & B) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
.65 |
Fed Tax .07 City Tax .03 |
.10 |
Total Price |
.75 |
Printing Company:
Ansell-Simplex Ticket Co. |
The pricing on the 1956
tickets remain the same
as the 1955 stubs, but
the tickets are printed
on Blue Stock. The tickets
were printed with both
series A and Series B.
There is a change to the
back. The printing
company credit line
listed at the top on the
back of the ticket stub |
to the right of the Terms & Conditions,
with 82 Chicago Union label, vertical followed by "NEW YORK YANKEES"
below the Terms & Conditions text.
1956 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1957 (Series
C) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
.71 |
City Tax .04 |
.04 |
Total Price |
.75 |
Printing Company:
Ansell-Simplex Ticket Co. |
The information on1957
ticket stub remain the
same as the 1956 stub.
The printing company
credit line
CO." is listed above
"CHICAGO ILL." on the
back of the ticket stub
at the bottom. The
Chicago Union label (82)
is just to the right of
the credit line. Ticket
Stock Red |
1957 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1958 (Series
A) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
.71 |
City Tax .04 |
.04 |
Total Price |
.75 |
Printing Company:
Ansell-Simplex Ticket Co. |
In 1958 the .75c is
printed Bolder than the
1955 stub which has the
same series letter "A" &
pricing. The printing
company credit line
listed at the top on the
back of the ticket stub
and the 82 Chicago Union
label is vertical
followed by "NEW YORK
YANKEES" adjacent to
"Terms and Conditions.
Ticket Stock Red |
1958 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |
1959 (Series
A) |
Ticket Information |
Estimated Price |
.71 |
City Tax .04 |
.04 |
Total Price |
.75 |
Printing Company:
Ansell-Simplex Ticket Co. |
printing company credit
is listed at the top on
the back of the ticket
stub and the 82 Chicago
Union label is vertical
followed by "NEW YORK
YANKEES" adjacent to
"Terms and Conditions. |
1959 Yankees Home Game
Schedule Stadium Dating Guide |