1939 Official American League Schedules |
- 1939
- American League
2.5" x 4" (40
The National Centennial Commission
held a contest to design an emblem for
the 100th anniversary of baseball in
the summer of 1938. Unveiled in
December, at the annual meeting of the
National Association of Professional
Baseball Leagues, the winning design
was awarded to New York artist Majori
In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of organized baseball the
official insignia of baseball’s
centennial had been adopted for flags
which to be flown from all of the
parks. The red, white and blue patch
had four red stripes, symbolic of four
balls, three white stripes,
representing three strikes. A blue
diamond was superimposed on the
stripes, with a white baseball and a
batter completing a swing in the
diamond center. The design was used on
such items as stationary, publications,
advertising, and uniform patches worn
by the players during the year.
The Official 1939 American League pocket schedules were printed by
The Fred J. Ringley Co., of Chicago.
They were distributed at ballparks
compliments of each American League
team printed at the bottom. The cover
features the official insignia of
baseball’s centennial. The back
pictures a William Harridge official
American League baseball and reads:
"-1939- The 100th anniversary of
baseball ... and the 40th consecutive
year the Reach Baseball has been the
official ball of the American League"
The 40 page booklet features six days
on each page with American League games
played that day for all eight teams.
On the back of the front page is an "A.G. Spalding & Bros., Department Of
Public Information" message, which
reads "Who ... Where ... When ? Not
grammatical terms but legitimate
questions on sports our department of
Public information will be able to
answer. Make use of this service - it
was established for your benefit. Send
us your sports problems."
1939 Official American
League Schedules |
Back Cover |
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